How you can become involved with the West Chester Railroad!
For those who would like to become involved in our exciting "Living History" preservation effort, you can become a member of the West Chester Railroad Heritage Association which is dedicated to restoring, maintaining and preserving our historic railroad.
We are an all-volunteer, not for profit corporation which is totally dependent upon the volunteer spirit of its members to conduct operations of the West Chester Railroad. Operating rules and job training are provided for members.
Membership is available on an annual basis to those interested in the West Chester Railroad Heritage Association and its purpose. Membership benefits include free passage on trains on a space available basis and copies of all publications by the association.
In order to volunteer you MUST be a member of WCRHA.
Ready to join today? Submit your application and pay your membership dues online! Current members also have the option to renew their memberships.
Regular Membership - $40.00
Senior Membership (65+) - $35.00
Student Membership (Full time student with ID) - $35.00
As a member you can learn all about railroading from the tracks up to the locomotive cab. There is no prior railroading experience necessary! It takes the effort of a committed team of volunteers to keep our railroad running. Listed below are some of the jobs available. Of course there is no limit to the number of jobs a member can do. Many of our current members volunteer in all areas. You have the option to volunteer as little or as much as you would like.
Our ticket agents greet visitors, sell tickets and answer questions on operating days.
You'll ride on the train, checking tickets and talking to the passengers. Starting as Trainman, you can progress from Brakeman to Conductor and eventually to Engineer. The train crew also is responsible for keeping the coaches clean before and after the runs that day. Please be advised that becoming a Brakeman, Conductor or Engineer requires a large amount of time investment and training.
You'll learn both old and new methods of track reconstruction. The track crew keeps our tracks maintained. They also do all of the brush cutting along the right of way. If you enjoy the outdoors and a fair amount of exercise, this may be the job for you.
You can help us keep our equipment in tip top shape. There are many jobs ranging from keeping our equipment clean, to doing required maintenance, to keeping our grounds clean and trimmed. You will work with a project manager who will assign various jobs around the railroad. If you are not interested in working on the train crew, but still want to learn about the equipment, this option might be best for you.
How to get started
Ready to start volunteering? Start by joining the WCRHA by printing and mailing the application above with proper remittance! In the meantime, read through this short list so you are prepared to work safely and comfortably in our environment. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Safety Gear Basics:
Work gloves are a must to protect your hands! Depending on where you will be volunteering, safety glasses, ear protection and reflective vests are required for some jobs at the railroad. All of these items can be purchased at your local home improvement center.
For your safety and comfort, work boots with a defined heel of less than 2 inches with ankle support are preferred when working around the railroad. Sneakers, loafers, canvas shoes, wedges and/or open toed shoes are prohibited footwear.
Depending on the job you perform, the required clothing may vary. Train Crew positions such as Trainman, Brakeman and Conductors wear the prescribed uniform including navy or black dress pants and overcoat, white shirt, tie, WCRR baseball cap or stovetop cap. Our crews take pride in their appearance when working in train service and interacting with the public.
When performing restoration or track work, you are going to get DIRTY! If you are planning to do any kind of this work, old clothes are a must. Pants or jeans must be worn at all times. Many of our volunteers like to stash a clean change of clothes for after working.
Volunteer Information Request
Please fill out the following form if you wish to receive more information or have any questions about becoming a member of the West Chester Railroad Heritage Association. We will never sell your personal information.